HWARANG prioritizes the cooperation and acceptance of different groups and people in order to promote a safe environment so everyone can come together. The STOP THE HATE seminar, held by the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles, was held in order to ensure the avoidance of discriminatory practices and actions, while also emphasizing the need for equal treatment.
At the STOP THE HATE seminar, attending HWARANG members learned about various Asian hate crimes committed. In addition, the Korean Prosecutors Association also informed students about the processes of filing police reports, as well as what occurs when one is filed. During the event, the importance of avoiding hate crimes was emphasized, as well as the teaching of what to do in the event of seeing a hate crime being committed or having been committed. While the seminar targeted Asian hate crimes in particular, it also allowed a more general application of these practices and useful knowledge. The attending groups assured their support for victims of hate crimes, regardless of their target group.
The STOP THE HATE seminar was an important event that raised awareness about hate crimes and taught students about the proper response and method of filing reports. In addition, it gave support to target groups that were affected by hate crimes, making it a valuable event in furthering HWARANG’s goals of support and kindness.