Hello, my name is Claire Dokko and I am the Chairperson of Hwarang’s Environmental Committee: Save the Earth. Passionate about environmental science, justice, and advocacy, I hope to promote sustainability and reach a greater community through Hwarang. This committee is responsible for overseeing Hwarang’s involvement in various environmental perseveration and restoration projects. All Hwarang branches regularly participate in various projects that span from tree planting and care to river and ocean cleanups. Hwarang branches also voluntarily participate in recycling projects. Winning Los Angeles Clean Street Challenges is but a reflection of Hwarang’s continued dedication to environmental causes. Hwarang continues to put efforts on various restoration projects in collaboration with the City of Los Angeles. The Environmental Committee hopes to move forward in the direction of community outreach and engagement, planning to start local gardens and teach young students about the importance of sustainable living.
자연보호 위원회는 환경에 관련된 프로젝트에 화랑 참여를 주관하고 있습니다. 모든 화랑 지부는 나무심기부터 물길 청소까지 환경보존을 위한 많은 이벤트에 정기적으로 참가중입니다. 또한 화랑 지부들은 자발적인 재활용을 통해 환경보호에 꾸준히 동참하고 있습니다. 화랑 청소년단체는 환경문제에 대해 꾸준히 관심을 가지고 있으며, 이는 로스 엔젤레스 깨끗한거리 챌린지를 성공적으로 완수하여 수상한 것으로 드러납니다. 로스 엔젤레스시와의 협력을 통해 더욱 자연보호에 노력할 것입니다.
> Fern Dell Park Clean up
> Plant Trees
> Beach Cleaning
> Fern Dell Park Clean Up
> LA River Cleaning
> Recycling Trash