Palos Verdes
Welcome to the PV chapter!
Palos Verdes is located in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County and the PV chapter is one of the oldest chapters since 2006 when the Hwarang Youth Foundation was founded.
Currently, 25 members are participating in various volunteer activities such as environmental beautification, recycling, and sending thank you card to firefighters. We are also holding a year-round fundraiser in Guatemala to raise funds for eye surgery.
The goal of this year's PV chapter is to actively volunteer in the community and to improve member engagement and increase each member's own growth. In particular, we want the growth of leadership and communication, and we will try to develop teamwork in the chapter and work in collaboration. Lastly, we want to practice love and kindness to create a better environment in the community.
We hope that through these valuable experiences, PV chapter members can grow into Korean-American leaders who help the community, United States and the world.
PV 챕터에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
Palos Verdes 는 로스앤젤레스 카운티, 사우스 베이 지역에 있고 PV 챕터는 화랑청소년재단이 설립된 2006년 부터 가장 오래된 지부 중 하나 입니다.
현재 25 명의 멤버들이 환경 미화, 재활용, 소방관 감사 카드 보내기 등 다양한 봉사 활동에 참여하고 있습니다. 또한 과테말라에서 개안수술을 위한 기금을 모으기 위해 연중 모금 행사를 합니다.
올해 PV 챕터의 목표는 지역 사회 봉사에 힘쓰며 멤버 참여율 향상과 각멤버 자신의 성장을 높이는 것입니다. 특히 leadership 과 communication 부분의 성장을 원하며 또 챕터내에 팀워크를 키우고 서로 협력하여 일하기를 위해 노력하겠습니다 마지막으로, 우리는 사랑과 친절을 실천하며 지역사회에 좋은 영향을 끼치기 원합니다 그리고 PV 챕터 멤버들은 이런 귀중한 경험들을 통해 Korean American 으로 지역 사회뿐만 아니라 미국과 전세계를 돕는 리더들로 성장할수 있기를 희망합니다
Elliot Dokko
Alex Kim
Our Team
Ethan Son
Nathan Chang
Kylie Baik
Monthly Events
Firefighter Appreciation Cards
To show our appreciation and gratitude to our firefighters, members draw and write cards which we deliver to our local fire station
Members collect recycling and drop it off at the local recycling center for fundraising and raising environmental awareness
Korean Friendship Bell Cultural Outreach
At the Korean Friendship Bell in San Pedro, the PV Chapter sets up a booth where members are prepared to discuss their Korean-American identity as well as history of the Bell
Chapter Meeting
We discuss past and upcoming events, important announcements and bond as a chapter
Palos Verdes High School
Palos Verdes Peninsula High School
Palos Verdes Middle School
South High School