Round Rock
Welcome to our chapter!
Round Rock is chapter based in central Texas and branched out of the already existing Austin chapter in 2022. With 15 members and counting, we strive to represent ourselves as proud members of society in many ways, big or small. We understand that serving is a privilege and not a burden, and we wish to address existing societal and environmental problems. Additionally, by setting examples, we hope to be an inspiration. Through our activities, we desire to motivate and encourage the young generation and develop mature and able leaders. Some of the activities and ways we serve include playing music in nursing homes, helping the homeless, and tutoring. We tutor English and Korean to people across the world, in Guatemala, Korea, Ukraine, and others, in conjunction with the other 3 Texas chapters. We plan to add more activities in different areas. Although the scale of these activities isn't massive, we believe that even small acts of kindness and service can impact the people and the community, influencing the lives of people we touch. Ultimately, we hope to bring positive societal change and grow mature young leaders, and we look forward to the new things this year will bring us!
Our Officers
Ian Yun
Daniel Kim
Public Relations
Jayden Chun